Our team is at the core of everything that we do and plays a vital role in ensuring that every customer receives the highest level of service and support.
Each month we will bring you an interview with one of our team of experts. In March, we sat down with our Senior Voice Developer Andre Boelhouwer.

Hi Andre,
Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions – It is much appreciated. We have seen much less of you in the UK than usual, due to Covid restrictions, so it’s nice to catch up.
How long have you been at Syntec and what does a normal working day look like for you?
I have been working at Syntec permanently since 2004. Before joining Syntec as a permanent member of staff, I provided support and development of the TDM switches and the Mace software for Syntec, first as a McCOMM employee, later as a contractor.
Daily, I am involved in the development and design of CardEasy. I also provide support to our Customer Services team with fault tracing and resolution.
What motivates you to work hard?
This oldie needs no motivation; it’s a part of my life.
What is your favorite thing about working for Syntec?
I like working for a small company, although Syntec has enjoyed significant growth over the past few years. For me, working for a company of our size means that the work I do really does make a difference. As well as having really strong relationships with all of my colleagues and line manager – I feel like I am part of the Syntec family.

What is your career highlight that you are most proud of?
Being part of the design and development of Telebanking for all major banks in the Netherlands in the late ’80s.
What job would you be terrible at and why?
Being a surgeon, I do not have steady hands!
If you could time travel, when and where would you go?
1978, same place as now (The Netherlands). To redo my study time and enjoy it all over again.
Which is your favorite season and why?
Summer. The weather, nature, the beach, and sea, the holidays, driving on my motorbike, etc. During this season I enjoy being outside and riding my motorbike to escape the daily routine. Meeting other people, seeing the landscape and nature are all important to me. Catching the sun and swimming in the sea. Afterwards, having dinner in a beach tent.
Growing up, who had the most influence on your life?
I must be a softy now. My mother for a billion reasons.
Who would be your dream dinner guests?
Trick question. It is tempting to say Sofia Loren, but I’m going for George Clooney because all my heroes have already passed away. No special reason why, he seems like he would be an interesting guy to talk to.
What is your favorite book?
I’m not such a reader. I’m more of a doer.

Thanks again for sitting down with us Andre and giving your time to answer our questions – Let us hope that 2021 gives us more opportunities to catch up face to face.
Keep an eye out for next month’s blog where we will sit down with another member of our team and learn a bit more about them.