CardEasy overview

CardEasy enables you to de-scope your contact center environment and call recordings from PCI DSS, including both voice and digital channels. Seamless integration with your existing telephony and IT infrastructure reduces the risks and costs associated with managing compliant card payment transactions in your contact centers, whilst improving customer experience and trust.


Secure contact center payments

Regardless of your industry, if your contact center takes card payments, then you are responsible for keeping your customers’ personal and payment data safe as well as ensuring that you are PCI DSS compliant. All CardEasy solutions are built around your contact center and practices, meaning your operations remain as you want them. We work with you to protect your customers’ data, as well as your company’s reputation. CardEasy removes the risk of payment card fraud within your contact center by preventing your contact center agents from hearing or seeing payment card data, using DTMF suppression to automatically block it from your screen and call recording (without the need for a pause/resume function) and preventing it from entering your contact center systems and networks. Our patented technology creates a secure payment environment for payments handled over the phone, self-service IVR payments, as well as payments via email, webchat, SMS, social media or even via video calls.

How CardEasy works

Using CardEasy saves you time and money by taking your operations out of scope from PCI DSS controls, whilst removing the need for time-consuming oversight and PCI audits. Not only can it improve your call handing times and your customers’ experience, but setup costs are low, and ongoing managed service costs can be linked directly to your channel or agent utilization.

The CardEasy suite

More than just one solution

All the CardEasy secure payment solutions work seamlessly together, as well as integrating with your existing systems, ensuring that your customers receive a consistent and user-friendly payment experience whatever channel they decide to use.

Whether you choose to use CardEasy for agent assisted, IVR payments or digital payments (or all three), DTMF masking means that your customers’ payment card data is never seen or heard by your agents, or stored in your environment or call recordings, meaning your environment is fully de-scoped from the PCI DSS controls.